Thursday, March 7, 2013 i feel

It’s an amazing life. I wonder a lot of times, happiness has it’s own share in life. The sadness comes in bulk. It has to be managed or else it messes up everything. It’s said right things come at right time. Sadness is never a right thing. I don’t understand why does sadness come most of the time and one can’t be happy all the time. If in order to be happy, the so called right thing, you have to wait for the right time, u sure are going through a wrong time of ur life. Can life be generalized like this?
People are hard to understand. I get to see a lot of daily quotes in face-book. Some really touch my heart and some just pierce it hard. The quotes go like “the one who laughs a lot is sad from inside, and needs love”..and I try to get inside the quote. I try to fit myself in. The funny thing is I try to fit in just because few of my friends have told me this, that I laugh a lot and make others happy but I am sad from inside. The art of making other laugh and remaining happy then seems like I m doing injustice to myself by being hideous. But I was like this only from my childhood. The random humor was always a part of me, sometime appreciated, sometime blasted and a lot of times laughed at. I wonder now I was like this even when I was 11 years old and what was the sad story that was happening in my life then? I am literally trying to interpret those days with the quotes mentioned above and I do not fit in at all.
I cherish my life for I have gained a lot of learning experiences in various phases of life. Life has changed a lot over a period of time. Still the thing that I’ve never left in me is my smile that has always balanced every bit of emotions that I’ve come across in life. I picture life in a straight highway. Everyone has a life in a straight highway. A lot of times there are intersections between the straight highways out of which we get to meet different lives and different stories. Some will give us rude looks for having interrupted their walk of life. Some find it better to stop by during the intersection and share experiences for a while. They gradually become a part of your life. For sometime they will stay with u..may be they would also want to walk straight in ur highway creating another lane by marking a new highway. But the highway is unpredictable. There are further intersections in the form of situations, the time game, the need game, the choice game out of which distractions may arise. The consequences may be in the form of ur face going downwards with sadness again because that story may part away from you. The unpredictability of life however gives u  a lesson that u can’t leave ur highway simply with reasons like these and not walk at all.
U have a life that is gifted for you have seen the world through your beautiful eyes. The mesmerizing beauty of life’s every good moments to the harsh realities of bad moments, situations that have changed ur visions over different period of time with respect to various issues in life have given you a realization of the fact that life is indeed beautiful. The perfection has always been a myth. Life has never been perfect. But all this time if we have never tried, it’s better if we give one chance of standing rite next to perfection. I personally believe in embracing my imperfections. It will lead to self realization of what needs to be done  NOW. The life is beautiful if it is perceived and it’s always good if we can take it the way it comes. Surprises are essential after all and we never plan for the reaction. It comes naturally in a natural life we have.

-          Surendra Bdr. K.C.